BBGR lenses

BBGR is an international lens manufacturer headquartered in France. It has been designing and manufacturing lenses since 1846. BBGR's plant situated in Provins is Europe's largest lens production and development facility. BBGR has over 30 million customers all over the world.

Intuitiv Plus

BBGR's Intuitiv Plus progressive lens is the only lens available at present to offer a laterality based design - differentiating the design of the left and right lens according to the wearers dominant hand. Wearer's posture and visual behaviour differs greatly between left and right handedness. BBGR's patented Ergonomic Technology, such as VisionBooster, provides times more optimisation points to improve the designs optical performance for each prescription. Their technology provides larger fields of vision and improved fluidity between vision zones.

Anateo Plus

BBGR's Anateo Plus lens takes ocular anatomy into account when constructing the prescription into the lens. Biometric technology now allows each wearer, whatever their correction, to discover a newer, wider, and more comfortable field of vision. This consists of designing the progressive lens which will produce an optimised image for each eye shape based on the image as it is perceived by the entire retina. This biometric technology is founded on exclusive double-sided calculations linked to the use of digital surgacing, placing Anateo Plus at the peak of a whole new generation of lenses.

Sirus Plus

BBGR's Sirus Plus lens has been designed for active presbyopes. It's an easy to use progressive lens dedicated to wearers looking for a multi-usage lens that will provide them with good vision whatever the situation. The 'shock absorber' concept of Sirus Plus is based on having a highly flexible design with comfortable vision on each area of the lens, whatever the wearer's activity and age. Sirus Plus lenses are ideal for varifocal wearers who have busy lives with many different activities.